Tag Tweets to Support Typhoon Relief Efforts in Philippines!


Final Update 14 [Nov 13th @ 4pm London]: Thank you for clicking to support the UN’s relief operations in the Philippines! We have now completed our mission as digital humanitarian volunteers. The early results of our collective online efforts are described here. Thank you for caring and clicking. Feel free to join our list-serve if you want to be notified when humanitarian organizations need your help again during the next disaster—which we really hope won’t be for a long, long time. In the meantime, our hearts and prayers go out to those affected by this devastating Typhoon.

The TweetClicker for the Philippines is now live so Click Here! So is the ImageClicker. We’ll be adding more tweets on a regular basis. Join us and please keep in mind that this is only the second time we are using this Clicker. So we know it is not (yet)…

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